Friday, October 3, 2008

Atomic Monkey Films

Four years ago I started this little thing called Atomic Monkey Films with a video I made for my family about our trip to Alaska. While editing the vacation footage together I started to joke with a friend about what my "big Hollywood production company" name should be. The name was picked because it sounded funny and was quirky enough to almost resemble a real business. When I was registering this domain I found that, as often happens in a country of 300 million, a business with an almost identical name existed. I considered changing the name but couldn't fathom anyone would care much considering our distance apart and the fact that we sold completely unrelated products to equally unrelated customers.

You can probably guess that I'm writing this because someone decided to care. Legal council for said company has informed me that I am the little fish and I can give up the name and the site to the big fish or wind up gasping for air on the dock. I'd prefer to fight, but just don't have the means and I'm sure they are counting on that. So at the end of this year the site will be theirs and AMF will be called something else. It's not something I look forward to. Most customers are more familiar with the name of our DVD series than our company name, but I've become attached to it. My family and friends talk about it and the title page is still used when I make videos for them.

It's a bummer to lose a bit more innocence every day but that is the world we live in. Some just make it their profession to take it from you.

Randall - owner of "?"

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