Tron 2 - 3D: Oh please let this be true (says the 9 year old inside of me). Disney has been flirting with a follow-up to the film Tron for years but only a videogame came out of it. Let's get Jeff Bridges and do it right.
Cars 2: This sounds like a dream for Disney and highly unlikely for Pixar, who has so far been very much against sequels. It was a nice retelling of Doc Hollywood but the story and character arc was told. Let it go.
National Treasure 3: The duh of the group. As long as Cage will do these, Disney will pay for them. It's a fun series but a little....empty. Here's hoping something more interesting than Jim Hill's Atlantis theory proves true.
Pirates of the Caribbean 4: As mich as I love Depp and Jack, the Captain was wearing a bit thin on me the last time out. Maybe he just needs a new crew and a story all his own. At least that's what Disney hopes. That way they can tell a more intimate story and not spend as much (POTC3 was rumored to cost close to 300 mil after marketing). Look for the usual adventure story suspects....maybe atlantis, fountain of youth...yada yada. Who needs those? Keep it simple and original.
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